About Kristel

I Was A Wreck

As a busy work-from-home mom with three littles who also served in ministry leadership, I had no idea how to do it all. The choice between diapers, deadlines, and my devotional weighed on me daily.

I wanted…needed…time with the Lord – time to sit at His feet and be in His presence – but getting up any earlier in the morning felt near impossible. When I did get time to pray, my mind raced with to-dos like a hamster spinning out of control on his exercise wheel.

Stressed and condemned at my lack of prayer time, I spent many days on empty, frustrated and unfulfilled.

Then Entered Grace

By His grace, the Lord helped take the walls off the box that held my relationship with Him. With gentle leading, He showed me new ways I could connect with His Spirit and even grow in busy seasons.

He challenged me to take my eyes off myself and my problems and turn them outward to see the world around me – people that He dearly loves. Spiritual growth began to emerge as I was able to hear His instruction more clearly.

I noticed that as my spirit started flourishing again, the details of life became more manageable. The to-do list didn’t really change, but I did.

A Pattern Started to Form

As time went on, I could see a pattern that the Lord was teaching me that was easy to apply to my relationship with Him. In the morning and continuing throughout the day, I learned to turn my attention towards Him.

“Doing my day” with the Lord made my time not only more fulfilling, but even more productive. This helped me to walk in a state of repentance as I went through my day. And repentance invited the presence of God to join me in my routine tasks.

There were tools I could apply as I prayed and read my Bible that made it more effective for my busy mom lifestyle.

Turning my attention to the people God had placed in my world, not just myself and my family, brought a flow of God’s Spirit in my life that helped clean out the junk in my heart. I was being made whole again. I was being refreshed.

Maybe other busy Christians need this too?

A tug began to form in my spirit. From my years in public school education and in pastoral ministry, I knew that I wasn’t the only one in this struggle.

Over a decade of small group ministry lent me to see that this was actually a significant problem for many Christians. The tug of war between intimate time with God and increasingly busy schedules was a common thread amongst those I led weekly.

Fatigue often pitted against our faith. Could I define more clearly this process that kept my relationship with God healthy during those crazy seasons? And share it with my friends?

A systematic approach to Spiritual Growth

The picture came into focus as I set out to define the simple process that kept my spirit alive all those years. The steps could be stated simply as:


Turn To God

Walk in authentic repentance.


Build Your Spirit

Develop your connection with God.


Focus Outward

Turn your eyes in service to the world.

I watched as lightbulbs turned on for those I was leading. Spiritual growth and health began to increase in my friends? lives too.

Let’s grow together

My friend, are you at-the-end-of-your-rope exhausted? Do you long for more intimate time with Jesus, but it feels downright impossible? Or improbable at the least?

I get it. Let’s join forces and grow in this thing together. We all need some scaffolding to support us in our relationship with God. We weren’t meant to do this alone.

Let me help you with your growing process. Grab the free guide below for some simple-to-apply steps to go deeper in your relationship with God.

We promise not to blow up your email – ain’t nobody got time for that. But we will promise to share with you pro-tips and personal stories of our own walks with God that will encourage you and probably make you cry a bit. Sorry about that. We’re here for you, my friend.

Let’s receive God’s grace to grow . . . together!